Source code for malibu.command

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import os
from importlib import import_module
from malibu.util.decorators import function_kw_reg

modules = glob.glob(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/*.py")
__all__ = [os.path.basename(f)[:-3] for f in modules
           if not os.path.basename(f).startswith('_') and
           not f.endswith('') and os.path.isfile(f)]

__doc__ = """
Module for processing commands in a CLI fashion.

.. autofunction:: get_command_modules
.. py:function:: command_module(func, *args, **kw)

   A decorator function that is used to register command modules in the
   :py:data:`~__command_modules` dictionary.

   :param function func: Function being decorator
   :param *args: positional arguments
   :param **kw: keyword arguments
   :type *args: list
   :type **kw: dict
   :return: none
   :rtype: None

.. automodule:: malibu.command.module

__command_modules = {}
command_module = function_kw_reg(__command_modules, ["name", "depends"])

[docs]def get_command_modules(package=None): """ Reads a package and returns a dictionary of modules decorated with the :py:func:`command_module` decorator. :param str package: Package to search for command modules :return: dictionary of command modules :rtype: dict :raises AttributeError: if package has no __all__ attribute """ package = __package__ if not package else package package_all = import_module(package) if not hasattr(package_all, "__all__"): raise AttributeError("Package %s has no __all__ attribute" % (package)) package_all = package_all.__all__ modules = {} deps = set() for module in package_all: module = import_module("{}.{}".format(package, module)) # Just importing the code should take care of registration with the # decorator. for module, kws in __command_modules.items(): module.depend_modules = kws["depends"] for depmod in kws["depends"]: deps.add(depmod) if kws["name"] in modules: # Module is already in map, don't clobber continue module.BASE_NAME = kws["name"] modules.update({kws["name"]: module}) for module, kws in __command_modules.items(): for depmod in kws["depends"]: if depmod not in modules: modules.pop(kws["name"]) return modules